Last slow day for a while

It’s June and the electric blanket is on and I’m not impressed, quite frankly. I shall be writing a strongly worded email to God if it doesn’t get warmer soon.

I wasn’t working today and last night got silly so I took it a bit too easy today and didn’t leave the house until late afternoon. Then a quick jaunt up to see the free exhibition of local artists that’s on in Chelsea Town Hall at the moment. Much more affordable than the usual fayre, prices largely a few hundred, very few over 2 grand. If you were inclined to buy art you might buy it there. I still haven’t replaced my drill since it got nicked, and there isn’t much space on my walls anyway. Plus I’m really not gonna be home very much this summer so I’m not inclined to spend money I don’t have decorating the walls. Still it was pleasant to browse. I went with Melody and we had a burger afterwards. She kept on offering me painkillers but I figured I’ve already poisoned myself enough last night. Don’t need to give my liver and kidneys anything else to think about.

I’ve got to pack a bag. Got places to be. The car window replacement arrived, and early tomorrow morning is looking like it’ll be my only window to take the door cladding off and fit the damn thing. I’m hoping YouTube will be helpful. In theory it shouldn’t be too hard and a mechanic would charge me loads to do it – although … I might bite the bullet if it’s raining tomorrow. I’m about to start a long run of work that came quite suddenly.

My next acting gig finally got announced today and I found out more about who I’m gonna be working alongside, plus I can mention it here at last. Finally going up to the RSC which feels like a wonderful validation of decades of graft. I’ll be in Othello in Autumn playing Lodovico and I’m stoked about it. Before that though I’m off to Paris in Monday to be another human in the huge web of humans who will be making the Olympics. With that all coming up I feel okay about having such a slow day today…

Author: albarclay

This blog is a work of creative writing. Do not mistake it for truth. All opinions are mine and not that of my numerous employers.

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