Accordion thieves and explosions

I woke up at about five. The plan was to get over to Hackney before things got too crazy on the roads. Bergie is still wounded. The new window came this evening and I’m gonna work out how to fit it tomorrow.

Current cost of stealy accordion: £60. That’s the new window. DO YOU KNOW ANYONE IN CAMDEN SELLING A CHEAP RED CHINESE ACCORDION? Looks like this but bear in mind I’m mocking myself purposefully.

I can likely replace it in the end, but it just feels weird. My crap accordion… my butcher instrument. I learnt a lot through it and then some bastard followed it from the lockup to the top of Hampstead road and put their hammer into Bergman so they could have their way in reselling my cheap instrument for fuck all.

I have spent so long wishing them horrible things, but in the end here is my curse to them: “They will get what they deserve”.

No point being unpleasant. I don’t know how or when I’ll be able to replace my instrument. I really wish they had at least had some kind of negative experience, but Camden police can’t be fucked to follow up so on and on we go. Crime is free, kids. Do what you want.

Anyone seeing someone selling a red accordion in an absurdly big flight case, just buy it back and tell me – bearing in mind it was initially just £40 on eBay. It’s a good thing. Likely it’ll end up on the tube in the hands of someone much better than I am but short term, I’d pay to get my accordion back, even if, frankly, I would prefer it if whoever took it was dying horribly as I write this sentence. If he does that, the accordion, to the Camden police please. Red, like the chest of all of the people who took and tried to play with the stolordion.

Whoever took it from the car? I wish pain on them. Degrees of separation… still… my accordion… if they get more than the forty quid I paid for it, it’s a fucking miracle. Nasty little shits.

The video doesn’t work. You just hear me shouting. It was meant to be about DEATH but it didn’t work at all and I don’t care. I’m no instagrammer. Go figure .


Author: albarclay

This blog is a work of creative writing. Do not mistake it for truth. All opinions are mine and not that of my numerous employers.

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