
It’s bedtime and I was about to switch my head off. Then I remembered: Blog!

Brian has just randomly fucked off to Ukraine. I wholeheartedly support this. I thought he should use WordPress to make a daily blog. He solicited such a suggestion. Here’s the first one .. Read it and hopefully he’ll do more.

Why did I recommend WordPress when it has been expensive and largely unhelpful to me? Entropy.

It is functional. Maybe one day I’ll pay the extra fifty quid a year that lets me put a button on where you can bung me filthy monies.

Brian is off in Ukraine for reasons. I enjoy and connect with his thinking around it. I’m proud that he’s documenting it. I might not go back over my own noise, but the very making of it helps me clarify my thoughts within it. Brian has been moved to go to a warzone. The Ukraine is vast and the war is not yet universal, so I’m expecting some reactions to his stuff like my friend who watched some YouTube idiots drive over the border with cars full of clothes and behave perplexedly when nobody was immediately shooting. The friend used it to try and tell me there was no war in Ukraine. “Everyone was just going about their business as usual.” They’re a pattern matcher. We were in Hastings at the time, South of a tiny country compared to Ukraine. I suggested that if there was war in Liverpool we might not hear the shells.

I had posh dinner with a friend. It was nom. This morning I lay with Lou as the tide came right to our feet. I came back up for connection and experience. Glad I did. But I’m done with awake now. I was inches from going flat when I remembered this. Every day? What did I think I was gonna achieve? One day I’ll drop it, surely…

Not today.

Author: albarclay

This blog is a work of creative writing. Do not mistake it for truth. All opinions are mine and not that of my numerous employers.

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