Wishy Rishy Washy Splosh

This incredible shitshow we have all had to witness in this country is finally shifting to another act. It’s scary though.

Lou is rarely interested in politics, having her eyes on the bigger picture. Even she expressed concern that the infected blood payouts might be the nail in the coffin for the NHS. I like to think that considering Captain Tom’s millions went to NHS Trusts, so too the money out will not come from the thing that stops poor people dying.

Tonight in the rain we watched the end of these nincompoops. Rishi Sunak, who is on the Sunday times rich list above the king, was advised to go out and make a speech half an hour before the torrential rain stopped, just so that he could do it before too many votes of no confidence came in. He inexplicably stood there with no umbrella and got absolutely drenched calling a general election for Independence Day, not because it is best for the country but because it is best for HIM. He didn’t want to lose just yet.

How the hell do people kid themselves into thinking that these people have the interests of the country even slightly on their agenda? He didn’t even act in the interests of his party. When his back was against the wall, he served his own interests for a few more weeks at number ten and the chance to say he controlled his own destiny. And this is what we’ve had, again and again and again. I have had Tory friends tell me flat faced that millions of deaths are justifiable if the eventual fiscal outcome is positive. “We GAVE partition to India and look at their economy now”. These idiots. The latest batch of elected goons haven’t come close to a positive fiscal outcome. Rishi is trying to buy us with eat out to help out. He’s lost his backing. What the hell did he think he was doing selling out his own party for a month more at number ten? I am not a conservative, but had I been I would want virtually any outcome other than this one. He’s pissed in his own creek.

Will Keir Starmer be able to redress the damage they’ve done to healthcare? That’s the biggest battlefront for many, but the battle has been won now as this idiot has shown himself protecting his own interests above the interests of his party and, it goes without saying, of the country. We will go to the polls and this nasty self serving mess of artificial humanity will likely not get control of people’s bodies again for at least a decade. Thank fuck. Not that I trust Labour any better to be honest, but Christ we need change so I’m glad they’ve given it to it us. And all the property we developed in Rwanda has been sold anyway.

Just the formality of an election now, and we will still need to get out and vote because remember “Nobody is dumb enough to vote Brexit.” ? As a world we are getting stupider and stupider, almost by the second. The internet. So many idiots. Where are the statesmen though? How is our political class so completely lost?

Author: albarclay

This blog is a work of creative writing. Do not mistake it for truth. All opinions are mine and not that of my numerous employers.

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