Bridge Command

Damn I’m up at crack of dawn tomorrow but still I’ve ended up awake far too late. I went to Bridge Command in Vauxhall. I was supposed to get an early bed.

I ended up in command of a starship. A battle class frigate. My gunners were ruthless and my pilot was exact. My engineers and science team were on it. None of us had the slightest clue what was happening. The fact I ended up in charge was literally because nobody wanted it and someone had to.

I sat on the bridge of a starship and things happened around me. People did their jobs. Apparently we were supposed to protect some vessels or something but our comms officer was Brian and he’s a gamer. Protect missions are the ones that all veteran gamers ignore, so he ignored them and we went after the baddies instead. Brian spent most of the show insulting the pirates while Amber, Abi, Sara and Lily blew them out of the sky. Sometimes the pirates (run by the backstage team) tried to send us messages and then found out they were already dead. We neither saved nor knew about any of the civilians, I discovered later. We did, however, destroy all the space pirates including the bosses. “You’ll save more people in the long run if you gun for the pirates in front of you. Leave them and they’ll take more civilians over time.” Ruthless pragmatism from Brian, mixed with well worn distaste for an “escort mission” where something brittle flies directly at enemy guns shouting “protect us!”

Brian and I were trying to do the morals. Ish. Our crew were bloodthirsty maniacs. As the human who had to try and run the bridge, it was an incredible journey of just trying to work out what was going on and making occasional fast calls. And yes, I ended up giving clearance for two nukes, and even ended up micromanaging how the second one was deployed when the first one missed. Ugh. But we had to get through those shields somehow and the vessel we were gunning for was huge.

It would be bedtime now, I’m out tomorrow at half six. It’s not two yet. And I’ve ordered pizza. Sleep will be unusual and short. Hence rushed blog. I’m still packing for France. oh yeah, coz I’m off to France at dawn. First though, a slice of pizza and fill a bag with pants.

Author: albarclay

This blog is a work of creative writing. Do not mistake it for truth. All opinions are mine and not that of my numerous employers.

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