Boy Gone

And so my custodianship of another strange delightful and wilful creature has come to an end. This is the correct thing. I’m happy to have been able to provide a safe and comfy home for Boy, but his mum is back so it’s important to send him home quickly.

I’ll miss him, but on balance I know I couldn’t sustain a full time cat, what with my habit of buggering off to far flung places at a moment’s notice. I’d end up spending loads of money on catsitters. It was pleasant to borrow her little furry child for a short while, and thanks to Frank it was possible.

Boy came at the right time, despite my being too busy at the start to welcome him properly. Frank was about to go into a major operation, but he had a week or so to get to know Boy while I was pratting about in Aberdeen. I got back just before his op, and Boy had bonded well with him by then. They cared about each other. They looked after each other over the convalescence period.

Tomorrow morning I won’t wake up with his furry paw in my mouth. That’ll make a change. He was very good at making sure he had his breakfast, to the extent that we had to text each other when we fed him cos he was a big one for munching it all and then immediately trying for a second breakfast.

We can close the doors again though. We always made sure he could get in and out of all rooms as he hates closed doors. And when I go to the loo in the middle of the night I won’t have to be on high alert in case he has placed himself exactly where he needs to be to send me head over heels. All the cat stuff went off with him but for the litter tray and shovel which is now sitting clean in the bathroom awaiting the next feline visitation.

I’ll miss his little fluffy face but I feel happy about a job well done. He was happy here but missed his mum. Now he’s back home, and what’s more he seems to be tolerating the doggie even though they only met yesterday.

Farewell fluffpot

Author: albarclay

This blog is a work of creative writing. Do not mistake it for truth. All opinions are mine and not that of my numerous employers.

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