Hot wax in the sink

I was doing a decent job of custodian in this flat until Lou got back. Then I was trying for good boyfriend points, and ran her a nice post festival bath. I put candles into the bathroom sink as they make pleasant relaxing light in there. Now she’s spark out and I’ve just realised that one of the candles leaked so much wax down the plughole that I’m gonna have to take the ancient u-bend off tomorrow, or call a plumber if I haven’t got the tools in my car. I haven’t a clue how much wax got down there but my attempts to break it up released such clouds of ancient muck that I reckon it’ll be a catharsis to clear up that u-bend anyway and there might be an gold earring in there, a lost civilisation, a new strain of botulism, an entire yeti made of nosehair… Who knows what wonders we will find. But not tonight.

Sounds like Medicine Festival was gorgeous. I’ve been watching endless videos of people who aren’t me having a delightful time in a field. I’m working next weekend or I’d get myself a Shambala ticket and go sink into something woo-woo. Can’t. Mister Panda.

So, instead, I’ve been looking at how much it’ll cost to go and do a week long Ayahuasca retreat in Peru once winter comes. I think that might have to be the safety valve this year, and I’m happy to start saving up for it.. Mister Panda will be out and about a fair bit, and I’m helping out with some production etc. Lovely things to come. It’s gonna get busy again for a bit.

Peaceful seaside night right now though. The cat and I are in the living room. I want Lou to sleep deeply for a few hours before I blunder in next to her trying not to snore and occasionally waking up shouting. No time pressure for me tomorrow so I can make sure the plumbing is done before I head back up to the smoke. Of all the bad things you can pour into the sink, hot wax is probably the worst. Ha Eejit. Should’ve paid more attention to those candles.

Author: albarclay

This blog is a work of creative writing. Do not mistake it for truth. All opinions are mine and not that of my numerous employers.

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