Cat and experimental evil mages with dungeons

A quick run back to London today but it was time consuming so I didn’t get to hang out in Brighton. A friend needed to get the hell out of his living situation, and I always like to know there’s someone in the flat so it’s not wasted. I picked him and his stuff up in Deptford and I moved it all over to mine, introduced him to the cleaning lady and gave him my only set of keys.

Now I’m back in this peaceful flat in Brighton and engaged in a full on turf war with Tessy the delightful cat who has decided to ignore her food in favour of making sure she gets her place on the bed. I’m totally happy to let her win, which she’s not expecting, but I do very much want her to eat something today. Thankfully I’m here all day everyday from now until Lou is back so whatever she’s up to I will have time to get her happy again. She is… a particular creature. I’ve got the scratch marks to prove it.

Tomorrow is going to be about doing very little, and I can’t wait. If the weather is nice I might lie on a beach. If it sucks I’ll just sit up here above the world and the sea with miss fishy face and write, read, generate, consume…

In London today I came very close to grabbing my laptop. My plan was to download Baldurs Gate 3 and then spend the whole weekend like teenage Al with the whirring of the fan in this incredibly deep and detailed world that Larian have managed to make without selling their soul as a studio. I thought better of it at the last minute. There is light and air in the world. I want to see the sky and the grass and not think about how well rendered they are and whether or not I should find a patch to make them better. So I’m gonna play BG2 on my iPad instead, because as a teenager I literally stopped playing it because it was too good and I had I life to live. iPad is portable so I can actually take it outside in the sun. I’ll find out what that dastardly Irenicus is up to this time dammit.

Games… I’ve got multiple friends playing characters in BG3… I’ve played through whole games voiced by mates of mine now. I’ve watched YouTube videos of people where my voice is their character. It’s so odd to think how that industry has grown since the Alien Breed Tower Assault intro video (devs doing hilariously bad acting). Now it’s dolla! But it is also consuming. I’m ok with a droppable mobile game these days. I can’t sink into a desktop at the height of summer, no matter how bad the summer has been.

Author: albarclay

This blog is a work of creative writing. Do not mistake it for truth. All opinions are mine and not that of my numerous employers.

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