Hastings and back

Peace and quiet and cat.

Tonight I’m at Lou’s on my own with Tessa the cat. Lou is at Medicine Festival and even though I’m jealous of her and I miss a festival, I have already settled into the idea of a quiet and lovely time here just soaking up the sea energy and being a slave to the cat. She’ll have me up at dawn so I’m winding down already, but this place is designed to make you sleepy. I’ve had nothing but low light since the sun went down so I’m pretty much ready to pass out.

A perfect summer day though and I drove her down the coast to Hastings. We stopped on the chalk cliffs near Beachy Head and pulled in the prana and the sheer rugged beauty from those collapsing walkways made so iconic in WW2. She hooked up with her friend and an airstream, and they’ve all gone off for a ladies festival while I’m left holding the pussy.

Once she was off I nipped to Hastings for lunch with an old friend, and I found myself thinking how well everyone looks when they have been out of the city for a while. Tomorrow I’m seeing a friend who has been up in Edinburgh and has come back to find the city unmanageable. I get it. It’s not a friendly place. You can find the joy in the cracks, and I do, but you have to dig your fingers in sometimes.

So for now I’m gonna forget all that London stuff and lounge around with the cat. It’s not the easiest, of course. I’ve already got scratches on my arm, but that’s how she shows you she loves you. But a bit of medicine, a bit of love, occasional treats and a careful stroking regime and she’ll repay you by watching over your dreams and occasionally killing those pesky little pests.

I’m so sleepy. I kept myself on the edge of sleep until morning to prevent snoring last night. Didn’t want to send Lou off to a festival already sleep deprived. Tonight I can make as much noise as I like. Yay.

Author: albarclay

This blog is a work of creative writing. Do not mistake it for truth. All opinions are mine and not that of my numerous employers.

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